Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Module 7: Zoom In!

  This is a picture of a knife hanging on a spice rack I have in my kitchen. Notice in the background is the reflection of dipping oils I have on my counter.
I was inspired by the above picture I took for my first "Zoom In" from module one and decided to continue playing with "reflection" pictures. This was neat for me because while I was focusing on taking a picture of one particular object, other objects became part of the picture as well . . . and some were even more dominant than the original object I was taking a picture of. I was amazed at how many reflections I found just in my own home while I was working on this assignment. Below are just a few of the ones that really caught my eye.

The same hands that you see in this picture, gingerly holding our sweet little girl, are the same hands that built and stained the large wooden bookcase that can be seen in the reflection.  

This is a picture of our other sweet little girl and through the reflection on the glass you can see the door which leads into her bedroom. I liked how the praying girl and cross is seen right beside her sweet little face.
Here you can see a blurry reflection of our breakfast nook table through the light that hangs above it.
Here is an even better reflection of the breakfast nook seen through the microwave.
This is actually a picture of the inside of my china hutch, but the reflection of the dining room table actually appears more clearly than the glass objects found in the hutch.


  1. I love your take on play in these pictures. Great job!


  2. What a great idea. It got me thinking about reflections around my own home. Thanks!
